Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Welcome Welcome Welcome

Not an original welcome but one I like a lot, so thanks Professor Oliver, and to anyone and everyone reading this, my firstest of postests, welcome to ya!

This blog will hopefully balance my big ball of nonsense with a lot of art-related (we can only hope) content. What that will be exactly is still TBD. What's TBD, well we'll figure that out as time keeps slippin' into the future.

I have nothing much to post about other than a first post so, since this isn't the Seinfeld inspired blog, exactly, or inexactly, I won't drone on about whatever.

Just glad to be a-blogging... and finally with a platform that doesn't make me wanna scream like a banshee when I can't logon. Yes, I won't mention any names, but me had many bloggies before.

Robert Terrell

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